Art Camion Geijutsuden

Publisher: Alpha Unit / TYO
Developer: TYO / Digital Frontier
Release Date: 12/16/1999
Date Played: 11/11/2019
Region: Japan
Time Played: 43 minutes
What’d you think?: This is one of the most Japanese racing games I’ve played yet. There wasn’t a bit of English in the menus, and there was heavy use of Kanji, making figuring out what I was doing a bit of a challenge, which was a shame because this game seems wicked interesting. It’s a racing game involving dekotora, decorated trucks. I wasn’t able to find a way to upgrade or change the performance of my truck, but lavishly decorating the exterior and interior was fun. If you’ve got the patience, the game will let you design your own paint liveries to apply to the truck, but the already available ones are pretty neat already. The racing was simple, mostly moving between 2-3 lines along a highway, but between the cool truck you decorate and phenomenal adult contemporary soundtrack, the game was vibes central. There was a story component to the racing but I wasn’t able to understand. Doesn’t matter. Neat game, and I’m looking forward to the other “Art Camion” PS1 game, which is apparently a board game.
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