Bass Tsuri ni Ikou! – Let's Go Bass fishing!

Publisher: Banpresto
Developer: Banpresto
Release Date: 1999
Date Played: 2/28/2018
Region: Japan
Time Played: 35 minutes
What’d you think?: This might be a very good fishing game. It purports to have a “story mode”. Whether this means an actual narrative or just a slow accumulation of new rods and reels is unclear, as without a manual I was unable to figure out how to actually fish — how to manage line tension, what lures I need to reel in and what ones I let sit. I lucked into one eventually. The star of this game is a minigame mode where you play AS A FISH. It’s basically a rail shooter, as you swim back and forth small fish for you to eat appear on screen, you highlight them, then tap x and you munch down on everything that was highlighted, growing stronger. Sometimes, however, those fish are lures and you get caught. Then you buttonmash to free yourself and lose strength. Fantastic mode that should’ve been the full game.
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