Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling

A game that stands out for some reason.Publisher: THQ
Developer: Adrenalin
Release Date: 9/30/1998
Date Played: 2/23/2018
Region: USA
Time Played: About 30 minutes
What’d you think?: If you’ve ever played any sort of bowling game, you’ve played this. You pick how much spin you want to throw with, where you want to throw, and then some golf-game-style meters pop up. Do well pressing those and the ball should go more or less where you expect. If you’re a fan of 90s pro bowlers (and who among us isn’t?) you’ll surely find joy in bowling as (honestly, very ugly renditions of) Mark Roth or Parker Bohn III, and even more joy in the Bowler Bios they graciously provided, proving that reading off a cue card can be even more of a challenge than picking up a 7-10 split.
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