C-12: The Final Resistance

Publisher: Sony
Developer: Sony
Release Date: 4/6/2001
Date Played: 11/15/2019
Region: USA
Time Played: 47 minutes
What’d you think?: This game came out several months after the Playstation 2, and its relative youth shows in its crisp 3d graphics with good framerates and fairly modern-feeling control scheme (when using a controller with analog joysticks). It seemed fairly generic behind that, unfortunately. There’s an alien invasion and you need to stop it by running around and shooting or stabbing aliens and robots, collecting keycards and using terminals. I only made it to the first boss, where overwhelming alien tank firepower combined with a finicky camera and lock-on system ended my try. Every human NPC had an accent from somewhere in the British Isles and the protagonist was remarkably low-energy for being a video game protagonist and soldier augmented with unholy alien technology as a last-ditch effort to save mankind. Most of what he said sounded like he said it while reclining in an expensive chair. Maybe I don’t understand stiff upper lip English stoicism. Maybe the VAs phoned it in.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1zuJfPEH44

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