Capcom Generation – Dai 4 Shuu Kokou no Eiyuu

Publisher: Capcom

Developer: Capcom

Release Date: 11/12/1998

Date played: 1/17/2017

Region: Japan

Time played: Ten minutes

What’d you think?: Only technically a PS1 game, this is actually a collection of three run ‘n’ gun Capcom games originally released in arcades. The games on this disc were known in America as Commando, Gun.Smoke, and Mercs. The one try limit really hamstrung my ability to see a lot of this disc. These games were designed to kill you over and over again, to keep on eating your quarters, so I barely got to play much at all. I got to what I think was a mini-boss on Mercs, though. As a nice aside, the games seem to have a fair amount of bonus content; you can explore game hints or check out all the music tracks from a separate menu. In the American release, all four Capcom Generation discs are bundled together, but I drew the Japanese one, which seperates them.

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