Colony Wars

Publisher: Psygnosis
Developer: Psygnosis
Release Date: 10/31/1997
Date Played: 10/18/2019
Region: USA
Time Played: 45 minutes
What’d you think?: Mechanically, this 3d space shooter feels great to play. You can manuever easily in a 3d space, switch between weapons, and target enemies, all in a pretty modern-feeling package. It looks pretty good, too. I didn’t get to play very much because on the third mission a few too many of my shots hit friendly squadmates, causing them to recognize my vessel as hostile, and eventually initiate a self-destruct sequence in it that I could not abort, so that was a bit of a shame. There seemed to be a fairly deep amount of lore behind all the fictional planets and stars and factions in the system, but at no point in the first few missions did the story allude to any particular characters, though with two discs of content, surely something happened. Psygnosis was too prolific to fuck around.
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