Creatures Raised in Space

Publisher: Conspiracy Entertainment
Developer: Elo Interactive Media
Release Date: 5/14/2003
Date Played: 8/8/2019
Region: USA
Time Played: 36 minutes
What’d you think?: I owned a Giga Pet for a while. It was an orange cat. It was just as good as a Tamagotchi. I cared for it. I cared about it; I probably named it. Virtual pets were a big deal that could inspire a hundred hectoring horrible Black Mirror episodes. This game was a pared-down Playstation port of a PC virtual pet called Creatures 3, and this is as close to fucking malware as any Playstation game I’ve seen. There’s no joy here. Your creatures are hideous and slow and stupid. Your cursor is cumbersome and unclear. You have your space dome full of creatures, but of course you mustn’t just sit back and watch them. They must toil. There’s stars to collect. But the stars can expire. And your beasts remain stupid. And every action you take spawns bells or chimes, a cacaphony of miserable whimsy. Even starving young Adam and Berta, preventing them from mating, exacting my revenge on them for introducing me to their world brought me no joy. My time with this game changed me. Broke me.
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