Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown

Publisher: King Record Co. Ltd
Developer: 3D Realms
Release Date: 1/28/1999
Date Played: 10/10/2019
Region: Japan
Time Played: 36 minutes
What’d you think?: This is a sanitized port of Duke Nukem 3D. The violence seems intact, but there’s none of the exotic dancers and even cleaner language than in the PC original (“Your face, your face. What’s the difference?”). I played the Japanese release, but even the menus were entirely English. The game otherwise ported just fine, I was worried about framerate issues but didn’t find any, perhaps because I played via emulation. Duke 3D is truly a classic FPS, but there’s little reason to play the Playstation version. There is an entire PSX-exclusive chapter of levels, Plug And Pray, each loosely themed around a different Playstation game, but this is available on PC versions with a fan mod.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGAuDwcOPzc

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