Eve – The Lost One

Publisher: Imadio
Developer: C’s Ware / Tose Software
Release Date: 12/23/1998
Date Played: 2/28/2020
Region: Japan
Time Played: 90 minutes
What’d you think?: This was a Japanese adventure game based on a franchise of some kind, though the extent of that franchise was unclear and I didn’t care to examine it too deeply. There’s an interesting hook, maybe, that you play as both a sexy lady cop investigating some terrorisms as well as the criminal himself, leaving me unsure what you’re actually trying to figure out. There was a weird cyber teddy bear that talked to me through my computer. I brute forced my way through the menus, (a particularly excruciating task, considering exhausting someones dialogue almost always meant alternating between Talking to them and Looking at them (or some third option I didn’t translate) and only then can you Talk to them again. Thankfully the game also wouldn’t let you leave areas until you’d done all you needed to but I grew bored and unwilling to finish the game after 90 minutes.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=homTifMEe2o

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