Fisherman’s Bait 2 – Big Ol’ Bass

Publisher: Konami
Developer: KCE Nagoya
Release Date: 12/15/1999
Date Played: 7/3/2020
Region: USA
Time Played: 45 minutes
What’d you think?: Konami’s fishing franchise is confusingly titled, at least the western releases are. In Japan, each title is simply “Exciting Bass” followed by a number. The western releases, however, go like this: Fisherman’s Bait – A Bass Challenge, Fisherman’s Bait 2 – Big Ol’ Bass, Big Ol’ Bass 2. This is the middle of those three entries. It is a fine fishing game. It’s not bad. Or great. I haven’t ever played a fishing game that is bad. Or great. This is definitely on the arcade-y side of the fishing game spectrum, with credits and continues and big UI numbers counting ever downwards. It had a World Monster mode where you could fish in the sunken ruins of New York City for Patriot Bass and Peace Perch, fish driven to discoloration by unchecked American horrors. The Japanese level was pastoral and serene, and had you in pursuit of large legendary fish, bereft of any mutations. I was afraid that the level in Africa would be particularly racist and did not examine it.
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