Gekido – Urban Fighters

Publisher: Infogrames
Developer: NP.P.S. Team
Release Date: 2/23/2001
Date Played: 3/12/2020
Region: USA
Time Played: 42 minutes
What’d you think?: I don’t usually dig beat-em-up games. Even when they have ample combos or special inputs, I just button mash until I lose. When they’re quarter-munching arcade games like The Simpsons one, it’s just not very fun, especially when playing alone. Gekido: Urban Fighters, for some reason, I really vibed with. The 4-player arena battle was too chaotic to make any sense, but it’d be a lot of fun with 1-3 other human players. The main game I played about 2/3rds of before finally losing all my lives. There wasn’t much of a story, just tons of people and police and a couple big robots to beat up, and it was all pretty fun. A good game.
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