Grind Session

Publisher: Shaba Games
Developer: SCE
Release Date: 4/29/2000
Date Played: 3/30/2018
Region: USA
Time Played: 75 minutes
What’d you think?: We beat it! It even said so! We finished in third in the last tournament, but like in Tony Hawk games, that was enough. Gameplay-wise, this takes a lot from the THPS series, as so many of these games do, but it does it a little better than many of the imitators, and for what its worth, its adaptation of Burnside skatepark is a little better than THPS’. You can’t link tricks togethers in combos quite as well as in THPS games; manuals only come at the end of tricks — you can’t trick out of them, so the skill ceiling is a little lower, and there’s less to do in each level — only a progressive score challenge, a “hit the items” challenge, and a gap challenge. There’s 10 items and 10 gaps in each level, and to max out your “respect” (how progression is tracked) you’ll need to get all 10 in one run, a reasonably challenging prospect. Pretty alright game.
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