Hogs of War

Hogs of War

Publisher: Infogrames

Developer: Infogrames

Release Date: 6/8/2001

Date Played: 7/21-22/2018

Region: USA

Time Played: 2 hours 15 minutes

What’d you think?: Basically a 3d version of Worms, complete with teams representing broad caricatures of different nationalities — a lot of big WW2 players, despite the game being set in WW1. I chose the Russians, pigstroika, and was deeply hurt by all the puns, both porcine and not. I killed a German pig named Herr Gel. Goddamnit. As you play on you can upgrade your team and send them down different paths, sniper, engineer, medic, heavy weapons. If a pig dies in two separate battles, they are lost permanently, and you can get yourself in a situation where your rookie pigs can’t pass a mission.

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8OIYTfquVfdyvcaFa9JROykDF1m1Y_rl

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