Hoshi de Hakken!! Tamagotchi

Publisher: Bandai
Developer: Bandai
Release Date: 2/19/1998
Date Played: 5/13/2020
Region: Japan
Time Played: 30 minutes
What’d you think?: I spent the first 20 minutes of this Tamagotchi game running around an overworld where you can collect the Tamagotchi and not actually doing the virtual pet part, because I didn’t realize you were meant to grab one and bring it back to some professor guy, so I mostly biked around with my Tamagotchis in my basket until I found a cooler-looking one and ditched the one I had. When I did get to the virtual pet part, it was a virtual pet game, so I was bored very quickly, and its relatively more subdued aesthetic didn’t help on this front. The overworld where wild Tamagotchi live is wild, full of smiling plants with full lips and smiling celestial bodies with full lips. When you meet a Tamagotchi, you can blow it a kiss, sing to it, dance for it, or do a magic trick for it. It will either hate this (and you) and walk away forever, or love it and be your undying companion. No Tamagotchi I saw liked my kisses, so I stopped playing, crestfallen. There was some sort of UFO threat to the Tamagotchi world I think but who cares.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtqCITmAA40

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