Imadoki no Vampire: Bloody Bride

Publisher: Atlus Co.
Developer: Astrovision
Release Date: 12/27/1996
Date Played: 8/20-9/6/2019
Region: Japan
Time Played: 12 hours
What’d you think?: This was the first dating sim really played on PS1Try, and the only one (kinda) in English to have been selected thus far. This game was never actually released in English, but my game list included a fan translation patch by Infinite Lupine, and that’s the one I played. The translation was pretty iffy at times, and the disc froze at a few points, necessitating alternate paths. I had high hopes for this game, assuming if someone went to the effort of translating it, it must be pretty remarkable. Maybe I was let down, or maybe dating sim RPGs just aren’t my bag. I felt like I was grinding stats while being dragged through a story. You can “earn” all sorts of suggestive images of your harem of suitors as well as your harem of demon women. You go on dates. I got a bad ending by not having all of my stats at a suitable level at the end of the game. It felt like one of the stats could only be raised when you allocated stat points after level gains, which meant having to do more of the game’s very shallow and boring combat. Half a day was taken from me by this game. Why do I do this
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