Kakugo no Susume

Publisher: Tomy
Developer: Tomy
Release Date: 3/28/1997
Date Played: 8/27/2020
Region: Japan
Time Played: 17 minutes
What’d you think?: Based on the Apocalypse Zero franchise, this game’s… not great? It’s a 2d fighting game with 3d graphics, 4 attack buttons, a block button, and a backstep. If it has special moves, and it probably does, I suspect they’re on Mortal Kombat or Tekken-style inputs rather than the Street Fighter ones I kept trying to mash. It all felt a little slow and clunky, you seem to stay in blockstun for a long time. I don’t know anything about the franchise it’s based on, so I can’t really say whether it’d please fans of it, but that seems like a stretch too. There are six characters, and the story mode’s cutscenes between matches are just a single line of spoken dialogue, the audio for which is mixed about 10db quieter than all the punching sounds.
YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/RZ5ZVunTjUY

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