Kazmania 1 – Trail of Gems

Publisher: Lightspan
Developer: Lightspan
Release Date: 1998
Date Played: 5/23-5/24/2018
Region: USA
Time Played: 132 minutes.
What’d you think?: More Lightspan edutainment. The “game” part of this one was, technically, an FPS. The educational part was reading comprehension, and I was asked detailed plot questions about stories I hadn’t read (but would have the chance to read later). All of these games certainly have lesson plans attached, but they seem particularly helpful when a question asks you what even happens last in a story. Some basic academic gamesmanship let me power through these questions anyway. The easiest and least satisfying Beaten Game so far.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZpksaIM9o4&list=PL8OIYTfquVfeYTm5-fl_f9UimGe0KOco4

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