Kowloon’s Gate

Publisher: Sony Music Entertainment
Developer: Kowloons Gate Project
Release Date: 2/28/1997
Date Played: 3/30/2020-4/1/2020
Region: Japan
Time Played: 2 hours 45 minutes
What’d you think?: This was a bizarre 4-disc FMV adventure game. It’s set in Kowloon Walled City, and according to some things I read about it, about using the principles of Feng Shui to some end or another. All I know that I did was stumble around Kowloon Walled City and talk to some real weirdos. Eventually I ended up in an indoor maze, where the gameplay switched from adventure game to a first-person maze crawler. I encountered some strange clockwork crab creature and was able to defeat him only by the help of a Japanese Twitch viewer, a fan of the apparent cult classic come to tell me how good and creepy the game was — I had to select a mahjong tile? or fortune? or something with a Japanese kanji character, then another one. Guessing randomly was depleting my health meter. I escaped the maze back to the city and before long got stuck, where using everything with everything opened no new paths. A shame I couldn’t see more. The game was published by Sony Japan’s music division, and the music in the game is remarkably good and atmospheric.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8OIYTfquVfc2vLbvk5YFbBFEoluvEZsq

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