Legend of Dragoon

Publisher: Sony
Developer: Sony
Release Date: 6/11/2000
Date Played: 7/2018-1/2019
Region: USA
Time Played: 25 hours
What’d you think?: I got really far into this long, kinda boring game, failing somewhere around the middle of the third disc. A few dungeons in a row had a save point near a glowing aura or swarm of fireflies that would heal you. I should have taken the hint and done a little bit of grinding, as most JRPGs require, but combat in this game felt particularly tedious, due to its “Additions” system, requiring small timing challenges every time a character uses a regular attack. The story was typical JRPG silliness, ancient forces reawakening, with a ragtag band of Chosen Heroes readying themselves to face them. It starts off very slowly, but after the first disc you start to see little bursts of backstory and interesting FMVs. The translation is a little iffy at times, sometimes very charmingly so. I often found myself pausing my gameplay just to pose with my cheek in my hand to Take It All In. Most of the characters are mad horny, save for the protagonist Dart, whose volcel ass constantly announces how he sees a suitor as a little sister until the game finally yields to the unstoppable tide of heterosexual mediocrity and the end of disc 2’s Big Kiss is hilariously brief and unconvincing.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8OIYTfquVfcQRRgKMEdLk8HmFPbrq2Bf

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