Lego Racers

Publisher: Lego
Developer: High Voltage Software
Release Date: 12/17/1999
Date Played: 4/30/2018
Region: PAL
Time Played: 30 minutes
What’d you think?: This racing game is definitely aimed at young kids — there’s a warning to ask an “older person” before you change sound options. But it’s pretty dang neat — you can build your own frikkin Lego car and racer to race with, and it’s not totally aesthetic, adding bricks changes how your car handles. Courses are all pretty simple, and it’s pretty basic kart racing besides that, save for the weapon system being able to power up your colored bricks by collecting white ones. Some weapons are far better than others, a powered up bomb, I think, can turn into a hook, which stops an opponents car and slingshots you ahead of them. This weapon was used on me too often, and I only finished in 2nd in the first circuit I attempted, a loss by PS1try standards. Fun game!
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