Date played: I don’t remember
Region:Â Japan
Time Played: About 2 minutes
What’d you think?: I’ve never been good at a fighting game. You know that guy you’d play against sometimes, who would just repeat one move, maybe a low kick, and sometimes cheese out a victory? That guy can kick my ass. I’ll watch an EVO event, and be impressed just by the audience recognizing when the players do a “wave dash” or “frame cancel” or some other term still I don’t fully understand. I had hopes going into this that, being an older fighting game, and not carrying the “Street Fighter” name, that the fighting in it would be unsophisticated, and my inexperience might be an asset. I was even so cocky as to do more pre-game research than usual, and look up a Fatality to have ready for what I assumed would be an inevitable victory or two. I lost my first fight.
YouTube Link: Â Â Â LOST GAME