NCAA Final Four 2000

Publisher: 989 Sports
Developer: KillerGame
Release Date: 10/31/1999
Date Played: 7/10/2019
Region: USA
Time Played: 1 hour
What’d you think?: There was too long of a gap for me to fairly compare this game to EA’s NCAA March Madness 2000, but this sure was a basketball game. It has an “arcade mode” that kept the basic gameplay the same, but scrunched all the player models down and made their heads huge, plus it shrunk the size of the court for NBA Jam-style scaling. I found out about a more complicated optional control scheme after my attempt — possibly that mode isn’t an option in Arcade mode. The differences between default difficulty and game speed and the highest difficulty and game speed were stark — all the meters speed is increased too leaving you very small timing windows for your shots.
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