NHL Breakaway '98

Publisher: Acclaim Sports

Developer: Iguana West

Release Date: 9/9/1997

Date Played: 6/17/2017

Region: USA

Time Played: 2 1/2 hours

What’d you think?: Maybe only EA was making good sports games in the 90s. Maybe nobody was. Acclaim didn’t seem to be. This was choppy and slow, with announcer lines getting recycled and boring before the first period was over. What’s worse is that I kept winning (despite being distracted by being joined on stream by the legenday “Brett Hull”) and it took a handful of games before I had the decency to lose and end my misery.

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8OIYTfquVfdntLzfWZT9xgdjBVr2CSfE

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