Nicktoons Racing

Publisher: Infogrames

Developer: Software Creations

Release Date: 2001

Date Played: 3/11/2017

Region: USA

Time Played: 20 minutes

What’d you think?: Garbage through and through. If someone is interested in a kart racing game with their favorite cartoon characters, I suspect that they would like those characters to say a bunch of things that remind them of the show, and for the actual kart racing to be fun and interesting. Nicktoons Racing delivers on neither. In the one cup I was able to compete in (as immediately before the finish line of the final race I was hit with an attack that allowed every other racer to pass me, so take this writeup with a grain of salt (as I clearly have plenty)) each opponent seemed to only have one or two lines, with sound quality bad enough that it was unclear whether Spongebob was actually even Tom Kenny. And the racing was pretty bad too. Throw this one in the Simpsons Wrestling bonfire.

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