Option Tuning Car Battle

Publisher: MTO
Developer: MTO
Release Date: 10/8/1998
Date Played: 10/15/2019
Region: Japan
Time Played: 36 minutes
What’d you think?: There’s one race track course, one oval course, one highway/street racing course, and one touge course available in this game from a car magazine that felt fine to drive, but once you’d driven around a little bit, not much compelling reason to continue to do so. There was a career mode that, when compared to Gran Turismo’s, is dogshit. You participate in the same races available in the arcade mode, but before the race there’s a dialogue box where some guy probably tells you that in fact he expects to win the race, and that you probably won’t, and after the race you get points that you can spend to improve your car or buy a new one, but as near as I can tell the game scales all your opponents to your car’s power level anyway, so what’s the point? However, the game does pass the “tunnel test” of changing all the sounds when you drive through a tunnel.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NVJSO_TnkM

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