Play Zone Demo Discs (Vols. 18-25)

Publisher: Various
Developer: Various
Release Date: Various
Date Played: 1/10/2020
Region: PAL
Time Played: 2 hours 20 minutes
What’d you think?: I don’t really know how to write up demo disc compilations. There were a bunch of demos. This batch was from a German PS1 magazine called Play Zone. It used to be called Playstation Zone and we’ll be back for another big batch of those demo discs later. Those ones seems to be more fleshed out, most of them having five demos, several video previews, hints and tips for all sorts of games, as well as game save files you could load to your own memory card. By the time they became Play Zone and got to Volume 19 the demo discs just had 3 demos, a handful of videos, and big sections of hints and tips and game reviews. Demo disc compilations do give me chances to look back on past games or anticipate/dread future ones. Radikal Bikers, MoHo, and Sheep all look interesting, but Urban Chaos is gonna blow.
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