Real Robot Sensen / Real Robot Battle Line

Publisher: Banpresto

Developer: Winkysoft

Release Date: ?

Date Played: 7/19/2017

Region: Japan

Time Played: About an hour

What’d you think?: As a genre, concept, or conceit, I have no particular affection or distaste for mechs. I’m mech-neutral. So a game that brings together different mechs from different anime/manga franchises doesn’t hold an innate appeal to me. Tactics games do hold an appeal however, and I recognize that mechs are a good vehicle (so to speak) for tactical combat, as they’ll have all sorts of bullshit attributes to compare to each other. I believe the mechs in this game may have had such bullshit attributes, but neither my nor Cole’s Japanese prowess was enough to fully decipher them. Nor was it enough to know which of my party members were expendable, and which was the real protagonist, the character whose death would result in a  game over, so I failed on the first mission.

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