Rhapsody – A Musical Adventure

Publisher: Atlus Co.
Developer: Nippon Ichi Software Inc
Release Date: 6/30/2000
Date Played: 12/27/2019-1/7/2020
Region: USA
Time Played:
What’d you think?: After two game sessions, I’m totally charmed by this game. The tactics combat has yet to become challenging, but it’s fun and Disgaea-like to use monsters in your party. The setting and aesthetic are what’s really keeping me interested. You play as a young musician, who can busk in each town for money. There’s music breaks where characters sing lyrics, quasi-diegetically in that classic Musical way, with lyrics on screen. The game is also aggressively localized. People use pig Latin, and compel the protagonist to “party like it’s 1999”. After beating the game, I still feel mostly the same. The combat is never challenging or interesting (perhaps because I chose “Normal” instead of “Hard” at the start) and the story is generic as can be, but the game has a strong sense of personality that was more than enough to win me over.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8OIYTfquVfcuqt9Z9yOolTlP9xjKhkB0

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