Shanghai: Banri no Choujou

Publisher: Sony
Developer: Sony / Activision
Release Date: 3/24/1995
Date Played: 2/25/2020
Region: Japan
Time Played: 33 minutes
What’d you think?: Mahjong game! But not the multiplayer meld-making variety, it’s Mahjong solitaire where you slowly remove matching tiles from a structure and hope that the tiles weren’t stacked in an unwinnable way! I don’t actually know if this game can deal unwinnable structures, it’s certainly something that can be avoided. This game has a few different tilesets you can use beyond the basic, one featured zodiac pictures and symbols and another had musical symbols and pictures of instruments. Some of the music really leans into the “Shanghai” and Great Wall theme. There’s a lot of mahjong here and pictures of the Great Wall of China to reward you for completing puzzles.
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