Simple Character 2000 Series Vol. 14 – Nantettantei Idol – The Jigsaw Puzzle

A game that was notably bad.Publisher: D3 Publisher
Developer: Bandai
Release Date: 10/10/2002
Date Played: 5/19/2018
Region: Japan
Time Played: 75 minutes
What’d you think?: Jigsaw puzzles. The pieces move unbearably slow. There are puzzles with square pieces, where many pieces are all one color, but still have specific spots they need to be in. Some of the puzzles were of photos of Bikini Babes, some were (remarkably bad!) drawings of anime bikini babes, presumably based on some risque manga. Of some interest were the hint features, that would solve sections of the puzzle or rotate all pieces to the correct orientation, but take some time off the timer.
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