Simple Characters 2000 Series Vol.5 – Highschool Kimengumi – The Table Hockey

Publisher: Bandai
Developer: Break
Release Date: 12/20/2001
Date Played: 3/4/2020
Region: Japan
Time Played: 12 minutes
What’d you think?: The “Simple Characters 2000 Series” is an extension of the Simple 1500 series where for just 500 more yen (making them roughly $20 games instead of roughly $15 games) you get a media franchise tie-in splashed on top of the budget game. The media franchise in this case was “Highschool Kimengumi” a manga about some adolescent male friends. The budget game underneath was table/air hockey and it was unplayably difficult. Maybe against another human where you’re both struggling fruitlessly under ultra-finicky and precise controls there’d be something here but as it is, this is a disaster.
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