Star Ocean – The Second Story

Publisher: Enix
Developer: tri-Ace
Release Date: 7/1/1999
Date Played: 11/21/2019-12/3/2019
Region: USA
Time Played: 6 hours
What’d you think?: My run of this game ended today, on the 25th anniversary of the PlayStation’s release in Japan. I honored the console by getting killed in a random encounter while grinding. The battle system in this game is a weird hybrid of action rpg and turn-based. I never really got my head around it, but faked my way through for a while. I really enjoyed what I saw of the game. This game was weird, with lots of esoteric systems for different types of crafting, skills, and innate talents for characters randomly determined when you start the game. There’s branching paths from the very beginning, as you choose between two protagonists who only mostly travel together. There’s a whole lot going on in this game, and thanks to getting a copy of the official Prima guide (bound in a 3-hole-punch binder) from friend of the stream Cole, I was able to get an even better idea of all the cool shit I missed out on.
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