Suzu Monogatari

Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Release Date: 6/1/2000
Date Played: 12/23/2019
Region: Japan
Time Played: 1 hour
What’d you think?: I’m beginning to lose my patience for Japanese-language JRPGs. Once I get stuck, it takes some really compelling stuff for me to be willing to grind my way through the all-too-common problem of not going where to go next because I didn’t understand when someone told me explicitly where to go next. This game didn’t have any of that compelling stuff. It had a cute aesthetic, but the combat was a simple card-battling game (that could be recreated with a standard 52-card deck, nothing complicated) and the consequences for losing battles seemed minimal. Seemingly without the possibility for a game over screen, I tapped out after an hour.
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