Very cute JRPG.
The real-time strategy Front Mission game, it’s slow and plodding and not that fun.
3d beat-em-up. Unquestionably a video game.
This KoF game introduced a “Striker” mode where you can call in assists.
Puzzle Bobble with an anime tie-in and premium disc where the anime characters record a voicemail message for you.
Paint-by-numbers shmup, six short missions, relatively easy.
This is probably a good port of the first Civ game, if you speak Japanese.
Some anime twink band’s licensed rhythm game. It’s fine.
Build a dude out of (not)Legos and watch him dance, or set him to battle in one of the worst fighting games possible.
Before doing PS1Try, I didn’t know the genre of dating-sim-spinoff board game was a thing. They’re not great.