Publisher: Hasbro
Developer: Hasbro
Release Date: 1998
Date Played: 4/3/2017
Region: USA
Time Played: About an hour
What’d you think?: It’s a PS1 port of the Hasbro PC game based on the board game of the same name. I’ve played that game a lot since picking it up at an office supply store. The PS1 version is a pretty faithful remake, and you’ll have as much fun as you’d have with the board game. There’s no depth to the strategy of the board game, but there’s joy to be had in how the game wallows in its shallowness. There’s an enchanced mode where many of the squares result in spinning to get the chance at playing a minigame, which itself is more random chance at getting money (all that matters in Life). There’s also little cartoons that appear on every square that are about as funny as something a Dilbert character might have on their cubicle wall.
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