Threads of Fate

Publisher: Squaresoft
Developer: Squaresoft
Release Date: 7/19/2000
Date Played: 6/4/2020
Region: USA
Time Played: 37 minutes
What’d you think?: Called DewPrism in its Japanese release, this game seems really good. PS1Try limitations kept me honor-bound into ceasing play after being unable to beat the first boss after three attempts, but I intend to keep playing more extracurricularly, and may revisit the game in some official context one day, especially since the game offers two protagonists to choose from, with different (but overlapping) stories, and apparently different approaches to combat. My first time through I chose the spunky female protagonist, an irreverent pumpkin-hating princess whose younger sister is out to seize her spot on the throne. She strikes with melee and casts magic spells from a distance. Apparently the male protagonist transforms into creatures. Production quality is high, and the 3d movement felt as good as it gets on the console. Giving this game a badge of honor based on trust that what lies ahead is also good.
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