
Publisher: Artdink
Developer: FlipFlop
Release Date: 12/16/1996
Date Played: 6/9/2020
Region: Japan
Time Played: 21 minutes
What’d you think?: The main thing you do when you’re playing ToPoLo is snap together connecting toy blocks to build characters. People, animals, vehicles, whatever, really, so long as its generally mobile — since you also get to program some basic animations or movements for the dudes you make, I think. The menus used simple language, but it feels like even without the language barrier, one might want a manual. Then you can set your creations loose on one of the different zones available — a plain empty green field, a savanna, a discotheque, under the ocean, and the moon and watch them dance. Or bob and up and down. Or whatever. There’s also a battlefield you can take them to. There’s a fighting game here but it seems shallow and horrible.
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