Vanishing Point

Publisher: Acclaim
Developer: Clockwork Games
Release Date: 2/5/2001
Date Played: 1/27/2020
Region: USA
Time Played: 20 minutes
What’d you think?: This game came out when the PS2 was nearly a year old, and you can feel its modernity in a number of ways. It’s really gorgeous, running fast without any popup (hence its title). It’s also got tons to unlock but, rather cruelly, keeps almost all of it away at the start, only giving the player an Explorer or Mustang to drive. The simmy driving feels great, which is especially welcome in its Stunt mode that I ultimately didn’t get to see much of because of the constraints of the project. I rented this game as a kid and unlocked a lot and had a blast, so nostalgia tinged my brief experience.
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