Warhammer: Dark Omen

Publisher: EA

Developer: Mindscape / Games Workshop

Region: USA

Release Date: 4/7/1998

Time Played: 115 minutes

What’d you think?: RTS has never been a genre that I’ve been skilled at. I kind of enjoy some of the economy management aspects, and will sink my teeth into games that are just that, but when it comes to combat, and sending waves of one kind of troop in towards other kinds of troops, and remembering what troops are good or bad against what other troops, I tend to get overwhelmed and say fuck the troops. This game is mostly just the combat aspect, more real-time tactics than real-time strategy. There is some currency, and you spend it on replacing dead troops or reinforcing living ones, but I fucked up either that part or the combat part (likely both) and came to a swift end as soon as the missions were failable.

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO1D5mrrRiI

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