
Publisher: Psygnosis
Developer: Psygnosis
Release Date: 9/30/1999
Date Played: 5/15/2018
Region: USA
Time Played: 54 minutes
What’d you think?: Like seven minutes from the midday sun, this game is smooth. Your vehicles glide like buttered ice, in a way that feels really good. These cars feel really good to drive, which is the most important part of a racing game. That’s all I even want to say. There’s a nice licensed drum n bass soundtrack, I guess, and not very many tracks, but the cars drive nice. They usually don’t, in PS1 racers. There’s weapons. Who cares. I don’t know if the right title for this game is actually “Wipeout 3” or not.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYUgi9Kse7A

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