Wizardry – New Age of Llygamyn

Publisher: Soliton
Developer: Thunder Stone Japan
Release Date: 10/28/1999
Date Played: 11/13-14/2019
Region: Japan
Time Played: 2 hours 15 minutes
What’d you think?: This disc has two games on it, Wizardry IV and Wizardry V. It’s a Japanese disc, but they’re American games, and thankfully there were options available to play most of the game in English. The only Japanese text when I played was used for character names (in your party) and descriptions of spells. The Wizardry games are old. You push through graph-paper dungeons, and in combat you “attack” or you cast a spell. If you’re into very old RPGs, this is probably a fine port of two of them.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8OIYTfquVfed4644lGDbELeXBMP04aKk

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