X-Men Mutant Academy

Publisher: Activision
Developer: Paradox Development
Release Date: 6/28/2000
Date Played: 4/15/2020
Region: USA
Time Played: 33 minutes
What’d you think?: This Street Fighter clone really paled in comparison to the series it apes because I played it immediately following Street Fighter Alpha, a far superior six-button fighter. If you like the X-Men franchise tie-in, you still might be let down here – -the game was released alongside the first of the new millennium’s X-Men movies, so there’s a bunch of tie-ins, but none of the in-game voices are from the main actors. I was able to button mash my way through 75% of the arcade mode. There’s a tutorial mode with too-slow dialog boxes.
YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2yC_3p00i8

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